Survey Methodology

Survey methodology is considered a scientific field used to identify principles through data collection output, analysis, and processing of collected data. Final data analysis then is used to provide a result through a pre-defined scoring metric. Pointerz surveys use the questionnaire method, regarded as the most common and reliable survey type.   Using questionnaires as the primary survey tool, this enables variable categories which measure characteristics of the people surveyed. Pointerz surveys will assess the preferences and attitudes of the employees as they relate to topics, their organization, or leaders in that organization. Additionally, Pointerz surveys employ self-reporting scales to measure the employees' opinions about the themes presented. By using self-reporting scales, it provides the survey taker with a real time means to see their result for each question and further enables the holistic examination of similarities and differences within an organization.  Reliability and consistency are always of the utmost importance with surveys and with reliable self-reporting mechanisms, the Pointerz survey methodology produces consistent results every time. This is because the survey's reliability is measured through a test- retest scenario. In this instance, the survey is conducted multiple times and the testers do not have to score identical on each survey, but what will happen with a self-test method is that the highest probability is that the subsequent retests will be in the general scale of score. This is achieved because Pointerz surveys have a a wide enough variability amongst the factors being measured. Additionally, the survey's questions are designed to be clear, without ambiguity or distracting components, enabling a taker to answer.  Constructing and wording the questions of the survey, as mentioned above, is core to ensuring that simplicity and reliability can happen. Pointerz curates its survey questions through 5 key steps: 1) Determine what information should be collected (specific to our prepopulated organizational themes) 2) Determine how to conduct the questionnaire (online) 3) Review drafts before it is sent (internal and external review) 4) Revise questions as needed (internal and external review) and 5) Be Specific on the procedures. As Pointerz has worked extensively with industry best practices and industry leaders, our question construct process has been vetted thoroughly to ensure the desire consistency.  Finally, the order of questions is carefully thought through to ensure questions deemed more interesting or important should be closer to the survey's start. Research and studies show a survey taker has more clarity of mind at the beginning of a survey than the end, thus ordering is important to get right to ensure the flow is optimized. A tough question at the bottom of a survey can cause a survey taker to rethink their potential answer and inadvertently give less of a true answer. Pointerz has optimized the ordering of all its questions to ensure optimal results.

Methodology of Pointerz Surveys

Manager Effectiveness

Number of Questions  10  
Answer Types  Variable: YES, NO, MAYBE , ABC and 1-5 
Effectiveness Calculation  Mean score of questions 7 & 8 
Effectiveness Click On ( Manager Traits)  Mean score of questions 2,3,4,5 & 6 
Identifier  1. How long have you worked for this manager?
a) Less than 1 year
b) 1 to 3 years
c) 4 to 6 years
d) 7 to 10 years
e) More than 10 years  
Values & Behavior 


2. How are the values & behavior of the manager? Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements
a) My manager takes responsibility for their mistakes
b) My manager takes an interest in my professional development
c) My manager has worked to improve upon issues in the last year
d) My manager maintains a standard for their conduct. 
Support  3. How is the support provided by the manager? Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements.
a) Open to conflict resolution when it involves them
b) I feel comfortable going to my manager for personal problems
c) My manager makes me feel like part of the team 
Diversity  4. Regarding diversity, please rate your level of agreement with the following statements
a) My manager works to include everyone in the office
b) My manager does not show favorites
c) My manager emphasizes strength over weakness 
Leadership  5. How are the leadership qualities of the manager? Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements.
a) Our manager’s morale sets the tone for our office morale
b) Manager is first to help when there are problems
c) My manager has business’ best interest in mind
d) My manager inspires me to do my best work 
Communication  6. How is the communication of the manager? Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements.
a) Clearly communicates changes in company benefits or policies
b) Listens to my concerns & to those of my co-workers
c) My manager gives clear instruction when given work 
Skills  7. Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements about the skills of your manager.
a) My manager gives me positive feedback when my work is done well
b) My manager makes decisions that improve our team’s work & efficiency
c) My manager can answer questions about my work 
Effectiveness  8. Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements about the effectiveness of your manager.
a) In the past year my manager’s goals have been met or exceeded
b) In my own review, I was given clear and concise things I need work on
c) My manager assigns reasonable work with fair deadlines 
Satisfaction  9. Overall, what is your level of satisfaction with your manager? 

Answer Type: Scale of 1 to 5 


Satisfaction  10. I would recommend my manager to other members of my company. 

Answer Type: Yes/No/Maybe 


Employee Engagement

Number of Questions  10  
Answer Types  Strongly agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, strongly disagree   
Favorability Calculation  This score represents the percentage of the employee population who responded with a “4” (agree) or a “5” (strongly agree) to that question.  It also shows the percent who provided a neutral score—a “3”—or an unfavorable score (a “1” or a “2”). 
Trust in Leader  1. You receive constructive feedback from your manager.  
Sense of Purpose  2. Your supervisor recognizes your efforts when you perform well. 


Organizational Culture  3. You feel the employee evaluation process is fair 
Relationship with Colleagues  4. Your team members contribute to your success.
Career Growth  5. You see positive career growth in this organization 
Career Growth  6. You provided with the right training when new systems/tools/software are introduced. 
Sense of Purpose  7. You feel your manager is interested in your progress. 
Belief in Organization  8. You feel your organization is supportive of a healthy work-life balance. 
Trust in Leader  9. Your manager is professional and cordial while communicating with you. 
Organizational Culture 


10. You feel that communication is a two-way process in this organization. 

Employee Net Promoter (ENPS)

Number of Questions  2 
Answer Types  1 to 5 scale 
Favorability Calculation  The score is a whole number that ranges from 1 to 5 and indicates how your employee feels about the organization at that moment. 


Favorability  1.How likely would you recommend our company to your friends or family? 
Belief  2. Would you like to write the reason for the score? 

Mood of the Organization

Number of Questions  3 
Answer Types  Sliding smile scale, range, free text 
Favorability Calculation  The score is a whole number that ranges from 1-5 and indicates how your employee feels at that moment 



Sentiment  1. Would you like to write the reason for the score? (Sliding scale smile Emoji 1-5) 


Mood  2. How do you feel today? 


Identifier  3. Would you like to add anything to this? 

Diversity & Inclusion Survey

Number of Questions  13 ( 9 anytime/4 at time of hire) 
Answer Types  Multiple Choice, Free Text 
Calculation Count/Percent Dashboard  Gender – Part 2 template 

Age – Part 1 Template 

Ethnicity – Part 2 Template 

Religion – Part 2 Template 


Calculation Count/ Percent Interna;  1. Top 3 Cards 

Diversity, Inclusion, Equity 

Individual Mean score of each from I&D part 1 question 1,2 3 

2. Age group 

I & D part 1 – Radio button answers 

3. Sexual Orientation, Gender, Ethnicity, Religion  

I & D part 2 – Radio button answers 


Diversity  1. a) Your organization values diversity.
b) Leadership understands that diversity is critical to our future success.
c) Your organization invests time and energy into building diverse teams. 
Inclusion  2. a) I feel my unique background and identity (I.e. my differences) are valued here.
b) I feel a sense of belonging to my organization.
c) I feel respected by my colleagues. 
Equity  3 a) The process for career advancement/promotion is transparent to all employees.
b) I feel supported in my career growth at my organization.
c) People from all backgrounds and with a range of identities have equitable opportunities to advance their careers 
Equity  4. What is your organization doing well in terms of building a diverse, equitable, and inclusive organization? Please write your thoughts in the text box below.  
Inclusion  5. a) This company takes active measures to seek a diverse candidate pool when hiring.
b) There is diversity among the people a job candidate will meet/see on his/her first visit to the company. 
Inclusion  6. a) My experiences at this company have led me to become more understanding of differences among my coworkers.
b) Getting to know people with backgrounds different from my own has been easy at this company. 
Identifier  7. How long have you worked here?
a) Less than 1 year
b) 1 to 2 years
c) 3 to 5 years
d) 5 to 10 years
e) More than 10 years  
Identifier  8. Which of the following best describes your role in the organization?
a) First-level supervisor
b) Manager/supervisor higher than first level (including senior management positions)
c) Not a manager or supervisor  


9. What is your age?
a) Under 21
b) 21-34
c) 35 to 44
d) 45 to 54
e) 55 or older  


10. Which of the following best describes your role in the organization?
a) First-level supervisor
b) Manager/supervisor higher than first level (including senior management positions)
c) Not a manager or supervisor  
Identifier (Voluntary) 


1. What is your gender?
Identifier (Voluntary) 


2. What is your sexuality?
Write your answer 
Identifier (Voluntary) 



3. What is your ethnicity?
Write your answer 
Identifier (Voluntary) 



4. What is your religion?
Write your answer